Monday, May 29, 2006

Let's do it outdoor today..

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Makan @ FarEast..

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The smile just comes on naturally..remember I am part of "a great way to fly.."

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Bumped into Ayu.. "So supermodel, tall and" Ini baru gorgeous..

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This two, feeling "beautiful jer" mentel.. as usual we attract attention don't we.. aper jer so "!

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Well today we have different heights.. not so tall, tall and of cos tallest..
nasib baik different heights.. kalau different shape &
I mean medium, large & extra large..*tickled*
We went window shopping today.. Ayu really liked a particular wallet. Brown Or Black, she is still indecisive. Well we went into one of the boutiques, we saw this young man purchasing lots of items, so the lady asked cash or credit?? He says credit card, hmm.. As usual we normally stereotype these young men having a sub-card. My views, credit cards so easy to obtain these days.. sub or own. Its HUTANG.. haha.
So if this young man having a gold card, its perceived as sub.. what about a waitress like me, having platinum cards tells you?? Mistress haha..
Frankly flashing or "mentioning" credit cards is not the "IN THING"
PAY CASH.. is the best policy *winkz*
Oke I do sign, but its for the points and perks I get. Gold or on stop bragging..
maybe I should change my address..

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