Sunday, April 30, 2006

Makan @ Gyu-Kaku..

A lazy update.. too many pictures too little time..

Saturday, April 29, 2006

To do List..

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You see its empty..
I am supposed to upload pics..
Looks like its not on my "to do list"..
Blank means NOTHING TO DO??
Yah I wish..
Talk about shopping..
I just have to say this ..
Everyone can afford to shop everyday..
winks to Ida..

Friday, April 28, 2006

Been really busy...

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Oh give me a break..
I need a good massage..

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Blogger Post A Comment:

Flower_pom_pi_pi said
yati, ur bday coming horr..What u want??I'm sorry been busy, coping with werk and staying in two countries, hehe u know my access rite?? Can check my roster..Sometimes I around, but got to run errands gd news we gt jb car, so if wanna go kl can use?? Plan k, you drive not me..Ha I sleep.. zzz

Yati_mohd said
sounds like a good idea! We can drive up to KL mid May. Which means, if u let me plan, we get to do what I LIKE, rite?! Yes Yes!! Then I won't tell u first so u can't back out. Hehe! Give u a hint, I wanna 'VOMITLY PLAY' as much as I can, there! We can visit Rahimah too..Been a while already, miss her.

Yati called today, she said the more the merrier.. Hmm water rafting!!! Hmm.. Ah..Ah.. One condition or maybe two, you take up scuba diving, get a license!! (till now I don't have a buddy, you know Abe, he got his own diving school now, let me know I will give him a buzz) & when we come back.. Early morning you shall drive me to do my visa??? How bout that?? Frankly I am still considering, but sounds like fun..

How ladies anyone game for KL.. ??
A.L is back..
His main concern..
His little aquarium..
"Do you feed the fishes??"
Even if I forget, fishes can't talk right, hehe..
Anyway I am not that cruel, I do remember..
I even talk to them, like you always do..
A.L even talk to his boots.. lol

Of cos everytime before he leaves I have to be reminded.. So naggy!!!



My favourite answer..

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tini has been bugging me to transfer our latest pics..
Guess what..
I found these...
Our pics while we were in Bali..
many years ago..*winkz*
& you know what..
the phuket pics are still with me..hehe
This is you.. back then..
Time flies..
I am glad the friendship last..



Thanks Ladies for a wonderful time..

Dinner @ Fish & Co..

MAC!! I simply love it..

Hmm A Wedding Invitation.. is it a white wedding nope its a "pink" wedding..

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We had our drinks @ the Balcony..

And then off to home sweet home..

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Alice In Wonderland..
Meiling In the Worldkan..
Azrieda in Captions..
Don't get it??

The three babes..
Meiling & Alice...
Azrieda & me...
Our bus ride from glasshouse to town.. I do take public transport..*winkz*
Straight verses curls..
We just have to carry our handbags is it??

Are we pretending to be tourist??

Colour me like a peacock??

Finally I get to meet Azrieda, to collect my make up items all the way from Vancouver, compliments from Miss Fizah. Now I can add more colours to my collection or replacing those utilised ones.

So do I colour my eyes like peacock?? No..No..No, its solely for work.

I so do believe in natural beauty too. Some may look good in light make-up, some look better in heavy make up. So which category are you??

"If you are pretty, means you pretty..Agree?? Even by upgrading your digicam to higher pixels will still make you look horrendous, so what's the point??

Cosmetics!! Women.. Are we thankful?? Anyways its COSMETICS.. Or is it "cosmestics"..
I am getting confused here, SPELL CHECK, SPELL CHECK.. My spelling sucks right??

My previous entry I spelled Kama, I was corrected, its actually karma..

"Well there is an existence of a dictionary right.. So why don't we use it.."
I received this text;

NEWS FLASH: A cute n sweet looking Meiling, 21years of age, is missing her 2 beautiful friends, Azrieda & Alice. She wishes 2 say that aft e 25 of May, she will be as free as a butterfly n wld like to meet up w these beautiful ladies for an overdued gossip session n 2 PARTAAY all nite long..

"Dinner sounds good, anyone sleeping early??? Cos early birds shall be prosecuted..haha..
I heard someone packed another set of clothes to meet up, can you guess who is the VAIN person?? hmm"
who else...

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Monday, April 24, 2006

The magical "Blue" Card..

Free entry..
40% off for drinks..
This time, I was reminded to bring my crew card..
I normally tend to forget, little did we know there are still privileges at most places..
Perks like No need to queue, No cover charge, can sign in two guests..Still exist lah..

Went to Rouge for few drinks, as usual we then proceeded to Velvet (not again)
There's where we normally meet familiar faces.. macam c.centre lah..
Classic lah we all, end of the day Velvet Underground is still our choice..

SATURDAY NITE.. Renzie, Sheila, Aristee & me.. Simply so fun..
It reminded me of our training days, Velvet seems like our second home..
Now its just Renzie & me, my irritating batch boy..
Since Fiona quit, Farah got attached..
Everyone seems gone.. Hmm..

Anyway, I didn't know Renzie's sister is just as irritating *winkz*
Mesg for Renzie's sis: Your house keys is in your box!!!!

My batch boy favourite quote while he parties...

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Sunday, April 23, 2006

Come Ride WiTh Me..

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Take me home??

Friday, April 21, 2006

Meiling's quote for this pic in her blog..

"Zanna fav boy.."

Dearest Meiling went to the Anugerah concert...

Seems like lots of fun!!!! I am sure..
"Meiling in the worldkan, I kapo this picture from your blog..haha"

"What is with the bad boy look.." Meiling said

But still my favourite "Bad Boy"




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None other than my irritating A.L

OOO..I loike..

Stole this pic from Azrieda.. Not again hehe
A.L is out of town, suppose to invite Ida for a Pyjamas Party..
Nah, better not..
She is down with flu..
I heard its contagious..hehe
"I hate popping pills, do you??"

Stole this picture from Azrieda's blog.. Sweetness
"We heard a big laughter, we were petrified "
I still have illogical fear of a particular object..
Subjected to personal harm done..
It contradicts when said respect is given to individual writtings..
"Practice what you preach"

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Competing with one another,
never ends..
Life becomes a competition..
I can see that
Sad isn't it..
Human nature, always trying to prove they are better
Champions of the champions..
I like your sad story..
I like your inner voice..
I like your literature..
You Are Simply the BEST..
better than the rest *smiles*

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pictures that makes me happy.. Makes life worth living..



When I feel exhausted and cranky.. I look at these.. makes me smile..

Someone said this to me, marriage is just a piece of paper? My reply is,

its more than that..

But at times we failed to see the beauty of it..

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What a lovely weather to just stay in bed..

Breakfast in bed??

Working too hard these days.. I need a break, patience and I will be on leave soon. I am suppose to meet up with sexy Farhana for our "retail therapy" session but both of us couldn't make it. She was too tired with work and I could not force myself out of bed.

Miss Farhana I am sure you are very happy with your new pink stuff right hehe. I bet you really like it a lot to spend that kind of money..haha

I need a break from work, been working hard, earning more maybe?? but I have not spend a single cent..Sad isn't it.. My batch girl said this to me.."Why trying to hit your first million dollar issit.." Yah a million in rupiah haha..

Sad thing my A.L has a tight schedule to take me away..My options hibernate in JB, join Miss Farhana to K.L or pack and fly to Jakarta..

I need a breather..I am suffocated..

Monday, April 17, 2006

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Everytime my Prince Charming (A.L) calls or messages me, I am asleep..
I am astonish by the duration of my sleep..
Surprisingly the GMT is +8
Sleeping Beauty??
So what did I do..
Do not disturb sign hanging,
Room service..
All you know, Time to bun my

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Still On The News??

Let me say this once and for all,
Please do not make me repeat myself..
For those who have read, the year is 2003.. Think about it and stop asking..
For those who didn't, I am not talking about you..
its rather personal...
Its over, let's not dwell on it..

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Have A Pleasant Flight..

Friday, April 14, 2006

I do miss...
Catching A play in London with my dearest A.L
62M lead by my fav Uncle Ben
Summer in Amsterdam
Duck rice in London
Massage in Bangkok
Spa retreat
Delina Kang
Maggie Chow
Yati & gang
Lai Chiaw Chiaw
Bunking in with Yana
Lychee Martini With Ida
Nightcap with Giolyn
Having a glass of wine with Farhana
Bali & Phuket with Tini
Dugem in Jakarta (Lisa & gang)
Chatting with my 3 star che cher Kin
I have been totally busy, you guys been missed..*smile*

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Despairing over the news..

My answer to all the queries, I have got no freaking idea with regards to it. Definitely saddened by the fact on how jugdemental the surroundings can be. I will just resign to the fact on how cruel life can be at times.. My greatest sympathy, I pray life will be much better for you. I feel for you.

According to a close friend, happiness is one key I should hold on right now. She says there are bound to be jugdgement from others.

I believe happiness is not easy to attain, life is not perfect. I am not perfect.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Enjoying my bubble bath ..
Pampering myself with Victoria Secrets..

Listening to:

You could buy me diamonds,

you could buy me pearls

Take me on a cruise around the world

Baby you know I'm worth it

Dinner lit by candles,

run my bubble bath

Make love tenderly to last and last

Baby you know I'm worth it


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Deciding on the colour..
I can't make up my mind..
hmm.. yelllow + silver, or maybe black + gold..
A.L says I choose..
What will it be?????
Let me think..

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Ok got to go pack my stuff again.. sayonara~

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Village..

Variety Is the Spice Of Life...

This t-shirt caught my eye.

It Says..

Variety Is the spice of life...

Kawaii ne~~

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Made In Japan