Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A droP in TemPerature, So My Words might freeze you for a second..

" We women, tend to say the wrong things to create rapport with another party. I suggest let's keep silence if you have got nothing good to say..I believe its the speculation that hurts not the creation.. Don't speculate, do you take it to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence?? I leave for my audience to decide.."

Azrieda says "NO MAN WILL SEEK BEAUTY IN DIRT??" I ponder upon the statement. Cruelty of words kills you slowly. Have you asked yourself, why you are different? I am sure you did. Hungry for attention? I am sure you are. The way attention gets to someone varies. I shall not define it elaborately.

First impression last, last impression lingers. People tend to stereotype from the first outlook. Do you allow oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment be a better jugde?? I guess its human nature.

Prominent features & prominent built, becomes an issue. Thank god, people do not make way for me when I pass through. Space constraint?? I bet you have this problem. Ever wonder, why people glare at you?? Take it positively. Your attention gets to them, but in a different manner. You mean you didn't know..*I am tickled* "

"Flower_pom_pi_pi bitched at -1 degrees celcius..."


Ayu said...

Thank god, i don't need people to make way for me when i pass thru *wink*

Alice Chen said...

flower_pom_pi_pi *winkz* back at ayu