If you ask me, whether I have a long shopping list? I will say it consists of what I want & may not need. Kind of brainless, but who cares, you do not need great intelligence to create a shopping list!
It's hard dragging A.L to shop with me these days, it's either he lost his romantic appeal on how to please a woman, or he is ignoring the fact that his presence means footing the bill. I find it is quite charming sometimes, when a man pays. I don't know if the world agrees, but I do have my own logical explanation to this. Nevermind me.
Okay, either you decides to splurge on me or not, I will be your greatest nightmare for now on! I think, I am kidding.
As much as the women love to whine about their spouse, so does the men,
One good reason why we are not fb friends, or married virtually; we do our whinings our own seperate ways.
No offense, I find married to virtually, is kind of silly! I was questioned several times, whether we are still married, based on fb information. I am like duh, maybe I failed to realise that fb is the new ROMM.

Dear A.L I have been dreaming of having double shot espresso early in the morning with you. Problem is, the machine has to be made available to our convienience! Please grant me my wish, and oh yah the wishlist goes on!
Contradicting, I am. Ignore me world!
(The mak nenek blogged from her mobile)
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