Honestly, I hate what I see in the mirrror, but it won't get any perfect every year when I blow off the candles.
The last time when I wanted to put on my bikini badly was when I was in my second trimester of my pregnancy wanting to go to Zouk out badly, in the end, silly me did not go or it will be disastrous!
Finally, I said to myself, who cares?! I ain't a superstar. I have learned to accept what I see in the mirror.
If only mirrors can produce honest answers, I shall ask on a daily basis, hoping for a different answer, every single day!
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the sexiest of them all?"
There was a great silence, Mr mirror refused to produce an honest answer as it might be too harsh for the sensitive soul.
So stop asking questions if you hate hearing the truth!
I ignored the truth, and I look forward to investing in more bikinis.
Time was well spent with loved ones these few days, I hope an update on my blue pokka dot bikini is not a disappointment.
I have more mak nenek stories to update, read me soon!

(Mak nenek blogged on her mobile)
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