If you are wondering, what the A.L family is doing, look carefully. I believe some are very familiar with the activity that we are doing.
Yes, prawning, A.L suggested it. Initially I was not keen as I hate the waiting part for a catch. Patience do not seems like a virtue to me.

He handed me a rod & the yucky bait, so I said to myself why not I figure out what to do with it. I observed the boys & tried it out myself. It was much simpler than I thought.
My irritating sister sulked at the idea of prawning. She hates waiting.
Rain seems excited & he waited patiently & asked lots of question.

Remy who caught the first prawn of the day! Yipee!!!

Envious by the catch from the boys it was soon my turn! The feeling of the prawns getting caught was awesome!
Three hours did not feel like that long. I guess the company was fantastic & we did have fun.

Thanks to Chef Azaniah, we had a great "feel" of our catch at the end the day!

And we brought some back home too :)

(mak nenek blogged on her mobile)