Okay just kidding!!
The husband left for Japan, & the wife almost starved to death!
I am not a big fan of going downstairs to buy food, normally I try to cook something simple if the fridge has the ingredients. That will save the trouble to go out and buy food. My something simple includes maggi goreng heh!
Usually, the two boys being such gentlemen, will "tapao" food for the hungry/lazy wife/mummy. You see the two boys need some "man to man" time with each other right? I am giving you guys some space & at the same time I can enjoy my own space on the king size bed :p
So the story is, when he is away the younger sister ensures that the kakak has got something to eat. Only, this time round, she made her kakak go out to have supper! She thinks it is unhealthy that I sleep a lot!
My sister is very much different fom me, hmm ok we do share some tshirts! By the way, she coaches little boys for football plus she plays football occasionally, currently a student too.
We do not share the same passion or hobbies at all!! We are totally different but we share the same blood group! However that makes our sisterhood unique. We hardly fight for the same shoes or clothes, & she hardly use any of my stuff unless it's slightly boyish.
There used to be 3 of us, now left 2, despite that our late sister jokes & antics still lives on in our everyday conversation.
Honestly, life is too short, do appreciate your loved ones despite the fact that sometimes loved ones can get on your nerves.
That is when I transform into kakak ministry of sound. I do nag a lot!
Actually I talk alot kan, okay let's continue my story; my sister told the guy working there that I am her sister, the guy thought she was kidding. Eh dekni mentang2 1st April dier ingat kite main2 ker! (starting to yawn)
Okay MOS dah penat bercerita you all pun dah penat membaca, Good night world & do not forget to fool someone today!
While stocks last.

(Mak nenek blogged on her mobile)
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