Out in the cold for the past days was simply a torture. I stayed indoors most of the time.
I believe one reason I want to be an astronaut is to see the moon, I seriously wonder if I had become one, just to sleep in a comfy bed and watch television?
See I have got it all wrong, or maybe the weather has got it all wrong actually!
I hate winter & I repeat again I really hate winter!!! I had cold rash when I came home, and my sleeping pattern is not doing me any justice!
Dear earth people in Singapore, please do not complain when it rains, all you need is an umbrella or a stylo mylo raincoat!
Don't you think we are all blessed, I rather have rain than snowy gloomy winter!
But eh I was hoping for a bright sun shiny day when I came back.
It's a rainy day, nevertheless the only sunshine I get is from my gendut!
He brighten up the gloomy weather.

(Mak nenek blogged on her mobile)
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