Rain came unplanned, it was hard, I was out of job, A.L was kicked out of the national. However, both of us we so determined to be parents at that point of time.
Honestly I never would have imagined myself as a mother. Now that I am one, I owe it alot to the husband. I cannot do it alone.
Back then, there were days when mockery simply hurts me like comments about being jobless and just watching the tummy grows bigger each day. Torturing words can never bleed the heart of a woman who is about to fight her life just to bring another life into this world. It has made me stronger, I strongly believe the earth is round, so what goes around comes around.

On a happier note, our boy turns 3 today.
Time goes by so quickly.
It felt like yesterday when I can feel him kicking inside of me.
Nice one, Ai Mei! :)
Thanks Liana :)
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