The Singapore league has begun.
Nothing comparable to the EPL I would say.
Dear fellow Singaporeans, okay that includes me please do not compare.
They are ang mohs whereby here we have ang mohs wannabe.
I believe A.L started the golden monkey style back in the nineties?
Okay that was fashion disaster but to my advantage it is easier to spot him on the field.
There are plenty of foreign talents for you to spot not forgetting our local talents.
Talents lies in the eyes of the beholder, and who could that beholder be?
Okay slight diversion, I was my art teacher favourite student and of cos I got nominated for best art student in 1993.
So the crown was mine, but I knew my art pieces was not that fantastic.
I think Jack Masdari was way much better than me.
So the teacher has a pet!
Back to the main story,
Our league of cos has not produce anyone close to David Beckham to lure the spectators.
However I would say this league has given opportunities for a line of Victorias instead.
Either way the league has created plenty of jobs/wannabes opportunities.
So I am thankful.
I say this yearly hoping for better crowd every year.
Do support our local football this year, to be specific do support SAFFC.
Thank you.
The wife prays that the husband will have a great season this year.
Oh yah he won goal of the year for 2009.
And I won the super mak nenek blogger last year.
Thank you for reading!!

(Mak nenek blogged on her mobile)