Monday, January 11, 2010

Yes I do.

One reason why people stay married.

For me I cannot manage Rain on my own when he throws tantrum.

Plus he refuses to sleep, I am that bad at pacifying.

Hopeless I am at times, I think A.L do a better job or maybe I take the easy way out.

But wait I do clean his poo poo most of the times; cos daddy pushes the bulk back to me.

So who is there to debate he is better or she is!

Rubbish; parenting is not about gaining all the credits.

It is not a competition! It does not matter.

Of cos when there is a daddy there has to be a mummy.

Oh yah if you failed to notice I am the mummy for this fat boy.

Let's not put much effort to be sexy mummy hokay.

I strive to be a better mummy this year.

More sexier? Oh whatever, more patience please.

(Mak nenek blogged on her mobile)

1 comment:

Linda said...

Meh hantar kat sini, I'm a late sleeper. :)