Okay mum insisted we become the paparazzi of the day.
Oh dear mum please sponsor me better lenses in future!
We or rather I drove all the way across the causeway for this wonderful wedding.
Yes Nordina, I woke up at 5am & the best part, I was the appointed driver cos the rest pretended too sleepy!!
So here we are.
The paparazzi of the year.

My irritating Aunt simply cannot get her hands off Rain!

Waiting for the bride & groom & Rain has his concerns.

My cousin who finally decides to get married.

Okay steady pom pi pi Uncle who has no qualms when I asked him about wearing tube dress for the wedding dinner.
"Uncle tube dress super pendek ok!! Kata dinner!!!"
Of cos silly me did not do that!
I love annoying my Uncle. What's new.
Next time if you have grand kids of your own please do not forget Rain hokay.
For now he is your favourite!

Okay this boy who happens to be my son, insisted on sitting together with the bride's family.
And they allowed him! Hey you guys spoilt him rotten!!!
I gave up.
So we attended the grand dinner.
The bride & groom was late.

Rain was concerned, cos a hungry boy is a noisy boy!!!
He keep asking me for "nasi"!!!
One down many more to go.
May they lived happily ever after.

The cousins of Hajjah Halijah Abdullah's family.

The end.
(Mak nenek blogged on her mobile)