Monday, September 28, 2009

Lemon Tree

Rain happens to be the only boy/son in the family.

For the time being, the family tree does not seem to expand.

To be the only girl in the family, I still feel very much loved by the boys.

However, I can never stop imagining, what if we have a pretty girl in the family.

Will the attention be diverted to her wardrobe instead of mine?

Do I really need to share my "space".

Hey I already have limited space to start with!

Just imagine I can doll her up in a range of orbit cha cha outfits. (feeling trendy)

Oh yah the ribbon on the forehead, the leggings & not forgetting the “kembang” dresses/skirts!! (*Rolled eyes*)

Okay that was wild imagination on my part!

Since I do not have a girl to play dress up with, who says boys are incapable of the same fun.

Boys do take note: This game requires adult supervision.

Rain said. “No!!!”

I can hear A.L screaming at me.

& World please take note:

This is just for laugh.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Sambal Goreng Pengantin.

Okay if I failed to notice,

the festive season is going to last for a month.

Why are we gobbling down our food as though there is no tommorow?

The finger points at me.

Or maybe Rain.

Oh before the astronaut suit will not fit me.

It is time to face reality.

The astronaut has to fly to the moon.

No, obviously there is no ketupats there.

Maybe I should bring some?

Careful some food items are not allowed on the moon.

Save the trouble from declaring "Chilli Fried Wedding" to the aliens.

I will be back to gobble down my "sambal goreng pengantin"!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Body Mass Index.

Do you remember when you were young and you couldn't care less about the world.

Every goodies was super tasty.

Rain reminded me of my childhood.

He also reminds me of my BMI.

What is Hari Raya if you are not bloated with carbonated soft drinks!

Name it.

I have completed the whole range of the F & N family.

& Now I need to burp badly.

Excuse me world, I have a lot of burping to do.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Salam Lebaran.

This year we gave our home a Hello Kitty feeling.

It has been painted pink.

It has been two years since we moved in, we decided to add some colours to home.

This is our second home together, and nothing beats to have a place you call home.

Happiness is not measured by the square feet of your apartment, it is how much happiness you want to filled it up with.

Many happy & sad moments we have been through but we rather preserve the happy moments as pillars to beautify our home.

This is just the beginning, god knows what the end holds.

As always I believe in my fairytale happy ending.

The world should.

And so we can live happily ever after.

If only.

This lebaran kami sekeluarga ingin menyusun sepuluh jari memohon ampun & maaf jika ada kesilapan yang lalu.

Semoga anda semua bahagia di sisi keluarga

"World peace eh"

Monday, September 07, 2009

Hello Kitty Wanted.

Dear world, Abang Rain is in search of a new pet.

Do let us know if you are giving away any cute kittens.

We want to adopt.

Email us

Thank you.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Age factor

These days, age is no longer a secret.

I am sure you have come across women who are overly sensitive,

when you asked them the infamous question.

"How old are you?"

This is subjective to different individuals,

I am sure you have heard of the "kind lines" (used by very kind people, cos the truth hurts)

"Oh my you do not look your age!"

Whatever it is I can't deny the fact that,

there are actually fine lines slowly showing every birthday of mine.

I do wish that a fairy godmother will wave her magic wand

and grant me a magical brush to vanish all those fine lines.

Wishful thinking.

Nevertheless, I am proud to say I am happy at 31 years old,

plus I am ready to embrace my thirties gracefully. (dah 31 pun!!)

I have no plans in competing with the younger ones,

I was there once.

It has been a journey.

I may not know what tommorow brings, I thank god for what I have.