Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
When was the last time I blogged about local football?
Sports section is the best to flip at when grabbing the local papers.
I am not that inclined to sports however the remaining sections can be rather depressing these days.
I am talking about the economic crisis.
It is really hitting the nation & worldwide!
Okay now I want to fly back to the moon :P
While I try to reframe myself from impulsive shopping.
There are cost cutting measures to choose from & seriously now it is a great time for family bonding!
I have my own cost cutting plan so that I can be a part of the kiasu Singaporeans.
Do take note: This do not apply to all, as some are still keen in contributing to the economy!
You are blessed :)
For now, I attain great happiness in doing stuff that do not cost a bomb! (macam paham jer)
Number one will be.
- Watch my playlist of series on my Smart TV.
2. Tell my endless mak nenek stories through blogging. I will have plenty of time to blog not brag eh.
3. Try to entertain myself through Pet Society (In fact I am getting bored)
4. Doing daily housework while listening to the O show, instead of out there shopping.
5. Have karaoke sessions at home, singing all the Barney Songs. I keep Rain entertained you know!
6. Dance with Rain on the platform (Rain's imaginary stage which is our wooden coffee table) at home while we sip to the Lychee Syrup added with ice & water using a martini glass.
Last but not least SUPPORT LOCAL FOOTBALL.
I am getting closer to my point!
Support the S League team close to your neighbourhood.
Come on down and support them!
The tickets are not expensive & you can yell at them without people thinking you are insane.
Good therapy!
As for me I will be supporting the SAF warriors as they qualify for the Asia's top club tournament plus not forgetting the S-League games.
It is historical as SAF is the first Singapore Club ever to qualify.
My dearest A.L contributed to the winning goal to qualify during the extra time. Well done.
This will not happen without the effort of the whole team takkan A.L tendang bola sorang kan!
The boys deserve to embark to the next level.
To be honest, people are expecting the team to get thrashed during this tournament playing with top clubs from Japan, Korea & China.
I am more optimistic. Who knows! Really you will never know.
So do support local football.
Rain & I will be watching okay.
Since I cannot contribute a bundle to the our nation retail economy.
I may as well contribute to the crowd in the local football scene.
Do join me :)

Friday, February 20, 2009
I flew to the moon & decided to go back to earth again.
Cos I figure, earth is not that bad after all.
Provided they are filled with fun loving people like ------>
"GIRLFRIENDS" (trying to mimic Fiza O from the O show)
Yes I am a big fan of the O show!
Like I have said, Tini is super blessed with great girlfriends who dotes on her.
So we did a meet up with hers & mine.
And we found out we have so much to talk about dramatic issues!!!
If you figuring it out, we were talking about TV series.
I was of cos bragging about my SMART TV. (so passe kan)
With this I will not miss any series, and I can record my shows & choose to watch according to my timing.
If the world failed to notice, besides sharing my king size bed with A.L (kidding eh)
I do have to share the plasma with RAIN!!!!
I told you the boys always get what they want!
I seems to be secondary heh.
With Smart TV I become the SMART one eh.
(okayla confession, it was Sheila who bugged me to change my set up box)
And of cos A.L who has to foot the extras!
As for me, I just have to enjoy it!
Hey while I go and check my playlist for my series. Enjoy the pictures.
That explains why I have no time to blog :P

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Failure to update this blog,
is due to the failure of remembering the password.
Forgetfulness, is it the right word to describe?
Or inspiring to be a classic bimbo!
Can someone humour me please.
For one reason, I was irritated by an insensitive moron.
Oh well,
Sometimes, people fail to reconstruct their sentence properly.
When that happens I have to just let it go.
So unfair hor!
And I thought reading the news is depressing,
Refreshing my blog is just as bad?!!!
On a brighter note,
I was amused by A.L text message.
"Hey I got you a present, a navigator."
Oh well thank you dear!
Sweet isn't he. A reverse camera plus a navigation equipment.
I hope it navigates me to the moon!
Where I can be free from the irritants on earth.

Dear navigator, fly me to the moon please!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Being the only princess in the family, I thought I may have the privilege of the gentlemen waiting for me.
So untrue!!!
What happens to "Patience is a virtue!"
Seems like it no longer existed when it comes to my turn getting ready, obviously!
These days they are getting impatient with me.
Trust me, I am no killer- heels-dressed-to-kill type of mummy.
I just need a little more time to paste my false lashes on.
(not again! bear with me?)
Do take note it is my self esteem booster. (merepek seh dekni)
So I had to forgo the idea.
No to false lashes, when hunger strikes!!!
Rain played "the fainting game" cos he needed carbo loading!
He cannot wait!
Not even for the little princess in the family!
It beats me that he took my sister's sling bag to go out.
Obviously there was nothing in it!
It will be greatly appreciated if he could dump some diapers in it heh!!
Proceeded straight to the doorway.
Fine. You win hokay.
So, Japanese was the menu for the day, for the "anone" wanabe boys!
What can I say, the choice is yours!
See I do not get to choose what I want to eat.
How nice. (Zanna jeling again this time without the lashes!)
See the mouth is so full of food!!!
Rain gets to pick his own selections.
Unlimited access heh to his mouth!
Lots of sushi makes him go yum yum!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Oh it was Valentine's Day & I had to work.
I expected my prince charming (talking about A.L) to come and pick me up from work with the presentss?!
Due to his work commitment I was left to make my way home all alone.
Correction to that, instructions was given to have me chauffeured home!
How nice. (zanna jeling)
Only problem is, my little driver do not possess a driving license yet.
So little man left his toy car at home and picked me up from work with the grandparents.
Plus the fact he is too young to get mummy a bouquet of roses! (instruction was not given by A.L :P)
Nevermind, I will demand for one when you grow older okay!
Nevertheless, it was the greatest present ever.
The presence of the little man.
And of cos the grandparents.
For the matter of fact, I am not blessed with beautiful lashes (stop it sey),
I will proudly say I am blessed with wonderful parents.
And of cos the boys in my life.
Okay not that many boys.
Only two.
So moral of my story is;
I was filled with love on V day.
That should be the way right?
Happy V Day world!!!
Spread the love heh not hatred!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Do bear with me for another of my mak nenek story again.
I am that bored!
Since there seems to be no activation for me. I shall talk rot for now! (macam army plak, activation heh)
So here I am home, waiting to utilize one of my investments!
Unlikely for today, I don't think I be needing one of those! (nak gi mana seh)
Yes~ false lashes are my cheapest & easy to use investment!
As the world know, I am not that blessed with that long beautiful lashes.
So envy is the word, for those who are born with it! (me nyam pah)
For me, I just need a little effort to beautify that "not so long lashes" of mine.
Reason, oh I get the "feel good" kind of self esteem.
Yes, I have been needing false lashes for a period of time now.
Meaning; I have been needing alot of the self esteem part??
Okay that is a question mark!
I thank "trendsetters" for starting such a wonderful trend.
Thank you!
Moral of the story is, my investment stock is running low!
Anyone going to Japan/Korea/Taiwan???
I probably need a box!
I can always paste it on.
Now I feel dramatic!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The little "pak nenek nenek" suggested a game to play.
"Let's pretend its Rain's Birthday" game.
Not only did we had to don on the party hats & blow balloons,
we even had to sing him songs! ( barney silly songs!!)
Despite the fact we all looked silly, I think there is an udang di sebalik mee!!
(its really a must to wear that stupid party hat)
His birthday is just around the corner.
I bet he wants a car. (mummy can only afford toy cars okay!)
& mummy's favourite answer will be "Ask daddy!"
What is the husband for right??
Bingo!! This entry has an ulterior motive too.
Another prawn behind the noodles I would say!!
Yup, don't forget to ask the mummy what she wants for Valentine's Day :P
"You are most welcome"
Monday, February 09, 2009
This is definitely a cool hangout place for kids. (adults too hokay!)
Thanks to Rain, I feel that I am growing up once again.
Toys & abundance of it!!!
I never failed to pop by, the one in New York. (eksyen plak dekni)
Yah guilty as charged,
I brought Rain to the one in Vivo City :)
Oh yes it has been a delightful day for Rain.
Not with the toys I assumed.
What is it then?
Flirting I guess.
So monster-in-law please move away!
Rain was pushing me to go away!!
Oh yah, I was totally ignored.
Oh well, oh well.
Wish me well okay when the time comes for me to let go!
Not so soon heh!
For now Rain,
You are ultimately mine!
Mine mine mine!!!!
And Justin Timberlake too :P (part ni dah merepek)
Sunday, February 08, 2009
So we did not proceed with Plan B.
The "runaway bride" plan remember??
So here is Plan C.
Plan C is to extort some money from the bridegroom before he gets to the bride!!!
So we decided to be the policewomen of the day!!
A little extortion will make us happy :)
Tini you are blessed with wonderful girlfriends I would say.
I can see they all love you very much.
It is hard to let go, especially when that person is such a darling!
Yes Zanna, no more late night calls to Tini, asking bimbotic questions when the machine crashes on you.
No more nudging her in the middle of the night.
She has better things to nudge heh.
I bet marriage will be a great cure for your insomnia.
Did I say the girls find it hard to part?
What say you, guys??
Move away please...
Do take good care of her hokay.
I am done with my mak nenek story.