Thursday, July 19, 2007
With effect from today, my blog will be moved to another domain. It came to my attention, there are countless of strangers who have been reading my blog religiously.
I thank you, for your time & support. Seriously there are quite a huge number of you out there. Not a single hello? :) Anyway thanks for dropping by.
I would love to know you guys :)
New Link ; only for invited readers. Email me??
If you choose not to, No Love Lost right; :) take care.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
It was my classmate's birthday..
Let's take a peep of what she gave us.
Cute right??
Moral of the story is, it is never too old to be a princess?
PS: Never rely on the translator entirely. What you see may not be exactly what it is suppose to mean. Best policy is to check personally when in doubt. Another option, why bother. Brainy people have better instinct. Agree?
Long essays makes it hard to comprehend, I guess I will stick to short sentences. Please be reminded; no pun intended.
Friday, July 13, 2007
I simply love to brag. Yes bragging about my Rayn can? So many stories to tell about my life and yet so little time. Create a blog of your own if you love bragging. Good idea! Oh well I did; Rayn's pictures seems to be everywhere especially in my blog, in my purse, mobile & even, behind my pass.
There is nothing wrong with bragging hokay, I am simply a proud mother :)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday, July 08, 2007
If you still failed to notice, I do exhibit plenty of wannabes desire in this humble blog of mine. Blogging is a wonderful space for someone to voice out their thoughts, happy thoughts or even angry thoughts. Do you have such thoughts and would like to share it with the whole universe. Then, I bet blogging is the best thing to do. Anyone beg to differ?
One thing, I have always hated about blogging is BITCHING. I thought it only happens in the real world. It is a common phase in the virtual world too. Why do such incidences occur? Blame it on yourself for having sensitive tooth? Then you will probably need a dentist. I am talking about a different kind of sensitivity, its emotions. People actually get emotionally hurt reading entries. I wouldn’t dare use the word hurt, upset perhaps?
What happens to the freedom of speech even in your own blog? Oh maybe there is none to begin with. These days, I am quite wary of what I have written; for fear that I may upset certain individuals. It is hard to please everyone. Why does everyone love to be in the picture? Trying to be a wannabe just like me? In fact I am Drama Queen.
Madness I would say when people just keep blogging about you and you just feign ignorance. Maybe I should leave signatures in every entry. Not intended to anyone dead or alive, the names & characters are all created. Now I sound so drama momma.
What I feel, number one kill that thought. Maybe it is just pure coincidence, stop taking it seriously. If you have not offended the person, I bet the person has nothing against you. Stop depressing ourselves with such juvenile behaviour. Replying makes we look stupid. Let me try to give a better view on this.
Replying with intention or replying without intention.
With intention could means you probably want the other party to get the drift, so you may extract certain words the blogger would have used. This is quite common in the virtual world these days!
Replying without intention. I bet it is harmless, you just happen to have the same issues! That leads to a misunderstanding. It leaves the blogger clueless on what is going on. Dumbfounded I suppose. Blame it on pure coincidence. Meaning, almost same story, same words but intended to a different person. Confusing?
Let's put it in an easier term, human do make mistakes. They call it the human error. To err is human. How sure are you that the person was referring to you? Next, you will be making a joke out of your own self for giving the other person too much credit especially when you try to extract her words.
Being direct is one thing, but how sure are you. Bloghopping can be fun. If you do not try too hard to read in between the lines. Stop assuming, you can always directly question the person. If you find the other party juvenile, replying makes it worse. It is not an essay competition for goodness sake, and this is also not a popularity contest.
To be honest, I do have certain issues. I am not ashamed to admit. I certainly feel good expressing my wittiness in my online journal. To some, it may seem juvenile, but it’s a good window for me channel my negative qi sometimes. However, what happens when a different person gets the drift meant for someone else?
How many people will bother reading super long entries like this! When I blog, I do not expect an understanding from everyone. At times it’s for my own perusal, or my circle of close friends. Hallo this is no reading comprehension! No answering of questions required to prove your understandingssssssss!
However it will be quite flattering on my part if there are people who can feel/comprehend those useless blabbering of mine, and then try to reconstruct and refer the victim as themselves. Assuming, silly isn’t it.
Please take note there is column on the right side of my blog which says.
Talk to the girl.
Email me?
It is written in simple English.
Check if in doubt.
You believe so, I beg to differ.
Monday, July 02, 2007
I had a date with my dearest Azrieda, so we decided to surprise our spouses and made our appearances at you know where else lah. The stadium. Mundane Move. What's new. Only difference is that, it was just a friendly game & not a some kind of international games or S-league matches (incomparable you with EPL~) hoping that our support would be greatly appreciated.
What a reunion, met some familiar people. Despite the repetition, we just have to snap pictures heh. Glamour shots or glamour queens wannabe? You decide.
Introducing Nadya, one of the WAGs
Drama Queens?
Ida & Nadya
PS: CT elisa you tak datang tadi, one of the WAGs missing tau, tak boleh amik glamour shots you~ LOL