Moral Education
Cradle cap. I was kind of worried/paranoid, however I have decided to dial my 1800-Ct-Staff Nurse..
Oh this gorgeous mother of one gave me a quick reply in fact. She said she will purchase for me the special treatment shampoo at the pharmacy. Thanks babe!
The Detinox Cradle Cap treatment shampoo delivery was extremely super fast. I had a knock on my door in the evening, I saw a sexy Missy in her white uniform pretty short & tight, standing at my door.( I thought there are grooming guidelines?! blueks!) She came with her cute big eyes, little assistant.
Was it just a treatment shampoo delivery or more??
Yes she grabbed hold of my Rayn & *romos2* him. However Rayn seems to be enjoying it, maybe he realised that the songs which CT sang, were very much similar to mine. At one point he was looking at me making faces hoping that I will come and save him. When there were endless kisses from CT, he stuck his tongue out giving CT the signal to STOP it. Rayn, daddy is not home, nobody is coming to your rescue!! Oh dear!! And that cute little assistant of hers seems to be enjoying, making herself real comfortable.
Oh Dyrah have grown into a big girl now. Dyrah's hair is simply beautiful, it really looks like those ceramic curls fresh from the salon. We were telling Dyrah to flick her hair in front of Aunty Azrieda if she ever sees her!!Hey, Dyrah do not need curlers okay. In fact, Dyrah was flicking her eyelashes at me, yah I know my lashes are fake.
So are we still at fake versus the real thing?!
Like I say some are just blessed with it, why not just flaunt it! Right Dyrah?!
Talking about songs, I was complaining to CT, my A.L sucks at nursery songs, he can compose his own songs just to entertain Rayn.
One day I was busy typing my daily entries, I overheard him singing the ABC song. Oh my, I thought wow A.L took time to educate Rayn.
Guess what I heard?
I overheard him starting from A to D then back to A. At first, I could not figure out what he was trying to teach. Then he started again from A. I stopped & listened..
Here how it goes..
A is for apple..."apple is red, daddy don't like to eat apple. "
B is for BLOGGING..."Mummy love to blog, dunno what she blogging."
Oh dear my A.L obviously is gasping for my attention.
Looks like my bad boy simply wants some cuddling too.
Don't worry A.L, you are doing just fine adjusting to fatherhood
despite the fact you are always chided as the Bad boy..
However darling, can you please let me take over in educating the ABCs?!

The sexy missy..

ps: Ct you are welcome haha, its a personal joke! Thanks babe!!