Thanks to all, I managed to get my choice, however my girlfriends are interested in these two. Email me if anyone interested or for any other inquiries.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
These dresses are mostly under $25, but I have to order in pairs to get such a bargain,anyone wanna share with me? Please email me. Thank you!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas to those celebrating, I have been busee "window" shopping!! Can die!!! It is an addiction!!! I will do a proper update and ramblings soon. Enjoy your holidays.
Love you all!!!
Here's what I have been up to.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Is there a need to?
In giving or receiving?
The art of giving..
"Seek joy in what you give & not in what you get."
"Its just an amount, my love for him is far much more than that."
(kalau tak percaya, belah lah dada. Tanye pada hati. Bluek!)
Based on both criteria you asked?
It is Primary School Leaving Examination.
I didn't know you can leave price tags, based on such.
PS: Ariel think out of the box. There is more to it in life than just that. Your queries is deeply appreciated. But it is unfair to just based on such criteria. You mean if you are dumb, you are not entitled?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
H & M.
Fashion & Quality at the best price. Too bad they do not have a retail outlet in Singapore, mainly the stores are found in Europe, UK, USA and even in UAE? It is something like Metro in Singapore (err) but what makes it more eye-catching is the window display of this store! Totally different from what you see from Metro displays.
Shopping in Singapore is super aimless for me, compared to when I was overseas; I have always loved shopping on my own. I called it my own time own target. My huge space with nobody disturbing me. In Singapore, I always have this perception, "Oh states cheaper; oh they got more range, their summer collection nicer." Maybe I am still adjusting to the fact that now I shall be confined in Singapore. By the way, I saw Trina's latest pictures from Zurich! I saw her carrying the H & M shopping bag. Hmm wonder what she bought eh.
Seriously it is fashion & quality at the best price!!!! Worth every single penny.
And to add on, before I forget, congrats to Sheila, as in finally!!! She has been on medical leave for close to half a year. She is now back flying the friendly skies again. Take good care of yourself, do not hurt your ugly little finger okay. Go shopping on my behalf can? *smiles*
Anyway, it is nice to be around in Singapore for the upcoming holidays after so long. So when I am confine at home due to the heavy downpour these days. Do I get bored? Nope, actually thanks to Eza!! I am so addicted to the spree-ing too; it is really silly when I tried really hard translating those Japanese words.
Only major problem. Will I fit into those clothing!!! They have very limited sizes!! Oh dear *smiles*
Monday, December 18, 2006
Do you notice my tag board has been removed?
So how was my experiment on tag boards?
As I mentioned in my previous entry,
I am not a big fan of tag boards.
I remembered okay, as I am not suffering from amnesia!
Oh well trial time is over. Gotcha!
Thank you for all your kind participation & visualising *smiles*
Especially lovey-dovey tags from friends!
A tag board can be considered a good source of a reading material~
Something new isn't it..
Or at times flooding others! Haha.
For those who have realised their tags were deleted.
Apologies extended. I have my reasons.
So my analysis on human behaviour seems right.
It doesn't take too long to prove the logical. *smiles*
We are all guilty of it.
You & I.
It simply takes a small spark to start a fire.
If you do not like getting burnt,
Do not even start it,
Worse part of it, if you are the one adding fuel.
The feeling is mutual.
Let us all learn from this.
Everyday is a learning process.
Am I right?
Sunday, December 17, 2006
I was hoping for some sunshine today. It rained all day. However, despite the gloomy weather, we made our way to someone's big day. Fantastic food & great loud music. I mean it; & someone sang so well but he is not an artiste. For once loud music was soothing to my ears.
It adds sunshine on a cloudy day...
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Enough of my whole week of long entries!! Too much reading leads to confusion & misinterpretation. Is that right? Some sentences were constructed for easy understanding, but it all depends very much on the readers. Some see things in a different light.
So here some pictures of me~ since flashes from the camera seem like hot flashes. I have decided to disable them. Brilliant idea!!
I ate all this!!
Nope he did!
My super satisfied face!
So while A.L was transferring the pics to my phone via Blue tooth, he was searching high and low for me. Guess what's my identity? GIGI BIRU. Lame right, he thought so and started smiling.
Gigi Biru is a direct translation of Blue tooth in Malay. Clever right me~
Friday, December 15, 2006
Names. I bet it is for a lifetime, unless you decide to change your name legally (deed poll) or call yourself differently. A K A. Also known As. So you either love or hate the names given by your parents. Better still, some parents came out with stupid nicknames for their children e.g. like rebut, pungot, gembel, petum and so on. At times, I am sure we do wonder, what they were thinking.
For me, I knew the reason of my name. My mum is super shameless haha; she was knocked down by my dad, while he was riding on his Vespa. Thank god she was not badly injured, so dad offered to send her home. Really like drama Hindustan~ but it's a true story. She introduced herself as "S------"! Well that is how I got my name. I grew up thinking it was a fairytale, but one day I received a phone call looking for my dad, I informed the caller my dad is not around, he then asked "S------ ada?" I said yah speaking, he sounded a bit blur, and then he asked again. "S------ ada?" By then I was kind of irritated, I thought it was a prank call, so I passed the phone to mum. My mum started talking and laughing on the phone. After she hung up, she said "I was known as S------ before." Irritating right??? Sharing my name with my own mum!!!! Anyone has the same problem?
So deciding on names is not an easy task. We must think of all the possibilities.
1. Sounding weird to other races, making it difficult to pronounce, in the end your kids will be mock at.
2. Super long names, next time masuk JB fill in customs form no space man!
3. Starting with letter A, you must think, during oral examination, he/she will be the first to go. Then during exams he/she will be right in front, due to the index number if it is in alphabetical order.
4. Then if it's starting with letter Z, then your kid can wait NONG NONG for his turn to come during oral examinations.
I bet it's not an easy task. When I said this to my friends, they started laughing at me, I am not kidding, and seriously having a proper name is of great importance. Who knows next time my kid becomes an astronaut. Then, a simple & glamorous name will be easier to remember right?!
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
Hmm which letter should we start with? Did I just make it sound so difficult??
Thursday, December 14, 2006
I have been taking half day off at work recently *winks* so MSN people you will probably see less of me online. I did not block anyone lah~ hehe . Worry not, because I am not going to abandon this blog of mine. I will still add joy to those reading it. I promise okay. The only thing is, my blog do not spell much on details about my private life. Nothing interesting about me, so I still keep my padlock diary okay! LOL!!
However today I am going to share this joy with all of you. I am so looking forward for my photo shoots coming soon!! I am still keeping my options open which photographer I am going to. I am not a model to start with, so it is not for any cover of a magazine neither is it for distribution purposes. Macam celebrity konon hehe, just kidding! Feeling jer~
Difference with this photo shoot, I was told, I am not big enough (ah do not start imagining ok) so I have to wait for later stage. First time I am taking pictures, and I am not going for a crash diet, how wonderful. How beautiful changes can be. Suddenly being super slim is not in my agenda. I was told, kalau nak amik naked pictures do not wear brassiere on that day, wait got lines. Ooops NAKED!! Haha~ then we started laughing about it. To add on to this, I am taking it with A.L. Exciting in the world kan~
I was thinking, I better take it earlier, because at this point, I am still quite flawless, no visible stretch marks yet, akan datang!!! Thank god, I do not have any "premature stretch marks"
On the other hand, I keep on telling myself I better do it before I hit 30, but mind you okay, most of my girlfriends still look stunning at 35 years of age. It's a matter of mindset. Huh I probably look like makcik makcik at 35. No no no.. now already feel so tua, I better do it now or never.
So camera 1 2 3 action!!! Aper jer tau!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A girlfriend of mine is having problems publishing her blog! Notice it's in the present tense, cos up till now she can't figure it out yet. Probably she will change her address, and for those who are trying to attempt to go to her site, be patient, you will not miss out much of her ramblings *winks*.
I have the same problem sometimes, but in the midst of rectifying it, people just get overly excited. These people really love refreshing the pages horr checking out for any latest updates.What more can I say. Do not despair, I shall make a big announcement should there be any change of address for my friend.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My poor Kitty is in pain, big deep nasty cut by a broken piece of glass. Ouch! Terrible pain horr for being naughty.. *spank* spank*.. I had a chaotic morning of administrating first aid on Blacky (like real) A.B.C checked (exaggerating!), direct pressure to stop bleeding done, not only that, I made her felt better by giving her some assurance that everything is going to be fine. She cried "meow..meow"!! Okay since I do master a bit of animal language let me translate *winks* "mummy pain, mummy pain.." Clever right~
So she is back running and jumping again with the bandage of course, we had our glass vase replaced. Normally for humans, we will be terrified to come near the glass vase (once bitten, twice shy) but for Blacky she came closer, only thing this time round she did not jump!!
It leaves me pondering, animals are much smarter than humans at times, and they know when to stay out when the pain is felt. Sad to say, human beings at times do not get the drift! They are totally aware of the danger, and yet they still come closer. Lesson not learned!! Sigh~
Oh well, Blacky listens when I tell her not to come near the vase; she is an animal you know. Binatang pun tahu bahasa. At times we do not listen carefully. On a clearer note, why not start listening carefully from now onwards, listening comphension?? Hmm~
Monday, December 11, 2006
I received a comment from an anonymous someone; Of cos I have it discarded and ignored??Nope not this time, it brings to my great attention for the fact the contents was something super hilarious!! Can you believe it, it's about SAUCE!! Funny right, I could not stop laughing! Duh?! Then stop trespassing my world of ramblings! You are totally not wanted!
According to the sender, I was told to blame it on my LUCK that I didn't get my sauces..
Oh now I get the drift, this is taken from my previous entry; I wrote this.
So what is the problem now?? Blame it on my hormone changes( good excuse right)...
(if nak make noise pat manager, kesian plak memang dah takde anyway its just a fast food restaurant orang pun cari makan.. so I good ok, I din get angry!! GOOD ANGER MANAGEMENT??)OH WELL LOOKS LIKE ITS MC FISH DIPPERS WITH CURRY SAUCE.. curry sauce pun curry sauce lah~
Which part of it reads I COMPLAINED?? I even said at least I did get my curry sauce right?? I am just a poor women, cranky & craving for my food. I did say due to my hormone changes (tak kesian ker)It is just whining, I did not even blame anyone for it. Read the lines properly ok, or do you need reading glasses?? Or did you flunk your comprehension test back in school?! Go ask your teacher maybe she can highlight it to you! Or was my writings incomprehensible to you.
Oh well, why get so sensitive & paranoid over these issues?? Blog pasal SAUCE pun nak marah ker~ Sorry key!! Peace!!
Kasi you hot sauce baru you tahu, good u know~, to increase your metabolism rate, so that you can burn more unwanted calories as you indulge in your food~ Wait some hot sauce is with garlic, make sure you rinse your mouth with Listerine cos you stink!
Hmm pedasnyer hot sauce ni! Ouch!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Sheila was asking me " Oik you going or not Zouk Out?" & I replied, " You mad is it!! Of cos No lah!!"
Sheila replied "You are the one that told me you are going!!!"
Oh is it, pardon me, these few days I am getting forgetful, even my A.L was making fun of me. "Hey, where's your two piece, I thought you are going!!" .... Cheh. So super fat, no way I will go, there goes my new set of bikini bought few months back all the way from New York. I manage to wear it at home though, it fits by the way, with some flesh coming out of the ring. You should see the mocking & the expression on A.L's face while trying to entertain me. So my favourite question to him is, "Am I still sexy?" his answer, "Oh yes you are!!"
Its suicidal for men to answer truthfully. They can choose either A or B.
A) Yes darling you are still sexy.
B) No you are fat (with a gun pointing at their head)
So what's your choice, or was there actually any choices to start with!
Anyway, I am sure Zouk Out was fun *winks*
Friday, December 08, 2006
Hate tags, love tags, friendly tags, happy tags, lunatic tags, frantic tags, hysterical tags and many more!!! Recently a girlfriend was hate tagged, is that what they call it? When someone hates you, so he/she has decided to type a few words on your "tagboard" found in our blog, which triggers your anger??
So have you been hate tagged before? So how does it feels?? Tak shiok right, and on your part you will try real hard figuring out who that idiot is. Its so passe' right, hate tagging. Duh!!!
I was taken aback, some choose the convenience of tagboards to pass the message across. Some are too personal & too hurtful. I doubt on the truth, mainly because I think he/she is a wimp who is so afraid to face the real world out there. You are a disgrace to mankind!!
So what is the best solution? Pretend not to see injustice done to you, or choose to fight back? At times, its your dear friends who jumps in to protect you, it can be really sweet, however more complication sets in?
Personally I am not a big fan of tagboards, I foresee some negativity in it. It can lead to forums which may unintentionally hurt others without you realising it. At times it is used as a medium to pass some unwanted remarks to certain individuals. Cruel, not all the time, on the other hand, its a good way to send sweet messages to friends.
For myself, I prefer private chats & moderated comments, but still I do get unwanted comments ready for deletion, maybe due to the fact at times when I blog, I just could not keep my big mouth shut. Is it because I am a Virgo that leads to me being vocal?? Anyone beg to differ?? Ok. Finally I have one tagboard now in this entry, no tagging means good right?? Oikkss next minute someone is going to hate tag you hor!!!
FOR ME DELETION IS THE BEST POLICY meaning you are totally ignored! BOO!
Foolish games?? I bet it is. Let it go..
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Lady rider??
I wonder if she wears pink tops, pink jackets..
or maybe pink undies lol!!
Pink helmet??
Super Orbit!!!
Super pink lah you!!
When it comes to putting all the accessories together,
Mix and match is what we major in..
So when it comes to repairing,
So moral of the story..
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
Its Monday, start of the week. I was wondering, will it be a repetition?? Maybe I should just stick to what I am best at! Will it shows that I am not creative enough?? Maybe I should start publishing my own gourmet menu so A.L can anticipate what will be "Today's Special"!!!!
Oh well, I am not a mood to don on my skimpy uniform with my favourite apron today!!
So if he ask, "What's the soup of the day?"
"Its me in a hot tub, please add salt & pepper to taste!"
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
What's with flowery prints by the way?? Fly me to Paris I need fashion updates!! Yah you wait long long key!!! Fat hope.. My latest flower fatty bom bom full length update. Emil can you see the fats now?? Moral of the story "flowers prints hide your flaws.." or "wear a red wonder woman belt.." so which one is it?
You can choose to be a vegetarian, eat only greens?? Well not for me, greens was just the start of my course! Only the two of us were eating and the table for two was not enough to accommodate the food we have ordered. So we moved to a table of four & guess what?? We swiped it all clean!! We or was it me?? At this point of time, the weighing scale is definitely my "fear factor" haha. I am so happy I ate this much, but still A.L finds my weight gain not enough!!! "You mad is it!! "
We had quite a view on the way for dinner..
But not on the way back..
As usual he will never fail to smile be it rain or shine.. The lights, light up the town for Christmas..
Oh well,
You light up my life..
I know I "looked" horrible. Notice the past tense.. Don't get it never mind~ haha
Friday, December 01, 2006

Earlier I was super excited, I wanted the know the gender of the baby. Boy or girl?? What do you hope for?? What do you dream of?? So I was preparing to go out for lunch, I saw my dearest girlfriend online. So my question was, "boy or girl.." Well I am so happy for both of them. Its a dream come true. Most of my friends, got what they wanted. Best nyer~
A total of 3 girlfriends are expecting their bundle of joy by next year. Isn't it wonderful? Who is next in line?? I told you (Ct butterfly) not to believe in old mama tales, on how they estimated babies gender.
Correct me if I am wrong, old saying says when u have a girl you probably glow, but in a scientific term you will not, cos the baby girl will absorb plenty of your female hormones. Well that is hearsay, I guess. Don't get what you want?? Can always try again right??
Ct Darling, I am so happy for you. The warrior princess eh, boleh you kasi nama bunga-bunga ah..Namakan Mawar, she calls herself Rose, Namakan Melor boleh panggil Jasmine heh .. Funny right??
I so like flowery names, so flower pom pi pi kan kan kan..