I was chatting with a close girlfriend of mine, let's not mention names, since its gonna be a cartoon story of her. The comical antics of her!! We were just chatting about "bawang putih, bawang merah." According to her, the story is too slow. Duh kata cinetron!!!
Then she asked me, whether I have a friendster account, she go like "lerr pakai lah nama melayu kau, senang nak cari" then few minutes after she added me,
I was chatting with a close girlfriend of mine, let's not mention names, since its gonna be a cartoon story of her. The comical antics of her!! We were just chatting about "bawang putih, bawang merah." According to her, the story is too slow. Duh kata cinetron!!!
Then she asked me, whether I have a friendster account, she go like "lerr pakai lah nama melayu kau, senang nak cari" then few minutes after she added me,
"eh kau dah jadi kawan aku ni."
We were both talking about retirement, how we want to be pekebun (farmer) in future, haha..She told me a story about she and her girlfriend, not me okay!! They saw a Mango tree infront of their house (talking about Singapore) both of them actually plucked the mangoes to bring home, they even text their boyfriends "eh siap kan kicap and cili padi ok, kite dapat banyak mangga."
I was shocked, "Oik kene saman baru tahu eh" she started giggling, yup at that point she didn't know. They must have forgotten the part which says,
We were both talking about retirement, how we want to be pekebun (farmer) in future, haha..She told me a story about she and her girlfriend, not me okay!! They saw a Mango tree infront of their house (talking about Singapore) both of them actually plucked the mangoes to bring home, they even text their boyfriends "eh siap kan kicap and cili padi ok, kite dapat banyak mangga."
I was shocked, "Oik kene saman baru tahu eh" she started giggling, yup at that point she didn't know. They must have forgotten the part which says,
Singapore is a Fine City..
Next is her ABC story, we went to a coffeshop, the apek asked "Minum apa?" she replied,
"I WANT ABC." suddenly there was a stare of silence from all of us!!
back home, ABC means Air batu campur!! She expected for this..

and she got this... ABC STOUT..

she was shocked.. & we started giggling!!! "kite orang ingat lu champion minum stout!!!" My lovely "princess" hehe, it may ring a bell to some of my friends!! Did I just blurt out her identity!!
Next is her ABC story, we went to a coffeshop, the apek asked "Minum apa?" she replied,
"I WANT ABC." suddenly there was a stare of silence from all of us!!
back home, ABC means Air batu campur!! She expected for this..
and she got this... ABC STOUT..
she was shocked.. & we started giggling!!! "kite orang ingat lu champion minum stout!!!" My lovely "princess" hehe, it may ring a bell to some of my friends!! Did I just blurt out her identity!!