Sunday, August 20, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Are all the taxis purposely hiding, waiting for us to call them?? Are they really hiding away from shopping malls?? Do you wonder cos I do!! Are they trying to earn that extra bucks from us?? So do you call for a cab these days after the price hike?? Eza & me were in town earlier, looking at the long queue, we were shocked and no taxis are near the vicinity, most has the on-call light on!! Fed up right?!
Anyway, Miss Azrieda failed to meet up with us today, cos she is really, really, sick. Poor girl~ hubby not around, she fell sick??!! Love sick isit~ just kidding.. I nak bunga you pun nak bunga ker?? Speedy recovery okay, then we go shopping..
Last but not least..Flowers For Euu.. <3
aper jer~
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Well when it comes to attention seeking, you have to be really dramatic right to make it sound more convincing?? Am I right?? Well I was really desperate for attention, so just a minor cut seems like a painful one!!
I made an overseas call, hmm~ like I always do! I called A.L and started crying, I said I was in pain.. Tremendous pain, I cut myself.. I lost a lot of blood.. Like real eh me~
Well I was really crying cos I felt pain, well not so pain but oh boy its pain anyway..Duh~ he was on the other line, mean A.L he sounded as though he wanted to laugh!! Irritating him!! He said this "ok il come home now ok my dear?"
Yah like real and he actually burst out laughing. Oh well maybe I am not dramatic enough??Then he text me.. "lawa lah muka tu.."Suddenly the pain I felt was gone~ believe me or not?? LoL

Later he mms me this, suddenly my hand ok already.. Yah yah little miss drama aren't you..*winks*
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I am so gonna miss A.L..
He is going to Hong Kong & China for almost a week..
Sheila & me said this to him..
" Eh buy for us souvenir ok??"
He looked at us like as though we are some kinda weirdos..
"You mean you gerls never been to China Or Hong Kong.."
Okay that's a good one.. We get what you mean A.L!!!