Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What goes in my cargo bag..

I was packing my stuff just awhile ago, I will be flying to the same route again this time. Boring?? Definitely not! I normally bring a book, just in case I get bored in my room. I found this old book while I was cleaning my stuffs. Interesting book, its an old book actually, it tells you a story about a girl who was molested by her own uncle.. & when she tells her family about it. NO ONE actually believed her.. So she ran away to strike on her own.. Incest.. So disgusted right?? Fancy an uncle doing that, it can really spoils a girl's future. I am so disgusted, aren't you..

SLEEPING with your own uncle?? Disgusting..

I shall read on...

On second thoughts, maybe I will bring my DVD along too.. & watch all the P.Ramlee's old movies..hmm . Oh well, either one, I probably be munching on my crunchy popcorn & having a sip of my cola light.. & enjoying the drama..

And yes!!!

Finally I am back to work again.. Yeahness..

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