Friday, June 30, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Je Suis Belle, feeling French??

I have just painted my nails (malaga wine) red, wasted money on my French manicure.. When all I do is paint red over them..

Some finds it as a form therapy to go for manicure & pedicure, I find it a hassle as my schedules and sleeping patterns are so unpredictable.

Red means work for me, some may not like it, too bad then. Good choice, some may not look good in RED anyway..

try a different colour..

I thought you are suppose to help children to paint the visions of a perfect world, not paint your own nails. I suggest you keep the visions to yourself. I didn't know colours are named after proffessions. So what's the colour of yours?? I will definetely say "NOPE" cos I find you rather "blind" in choosing your colours. Keep the "colourful pallete" to yourself. Everyone has their own..


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

We supported A.L but not the team..Ooops
Am I talking about world cup?? Hmm..

Click here for a full flowery story...


Monday, June 26, 2006

Adriano Ariwana DIED..*sob*
Eh eh dramanyer macam soap
opera lah..
*sob* *sob* *sob*
Now its so empty...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Made In India??

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Landing into Kingsford International Airport.

What a wonderful view, Sydney, Australia...

Oh I am so blessed~ *winkz*

Tini & Yati, you are welcome to join me to any of the destination.. *winkz*

Friday, June 23, 2006

Come FlY With Me

Mum is retired now.. Wow, after so many years of service with her company. She has decided to do so, to take care of my younger sis, 26 years of age who is intellectually challenged. Mother's love, you can never repay her in this lifetime.

Time for her to take a break, to join me to "see" the world. I thought of taking her to Cairo. Guess what's her reply. "Do you have any flights to London, I would love to go there, but if I were to go Cairo, isn't it via Dubai, I can get to do my baju there right!"
Now she is retired, I guess I will be expecting more daily phonecalls from her!!!
Maybe I should divert all calls to A.L

Thursday, June 22, 2006

BreakFast At Tiffany's - ArT PrinT

Touched down early in the morning, Time for hotcakes!! For people like me, working the odd hours, how often will you try to get up real early just to have breakfast??

An oppportunity not to miss.. breakfast?? hotcakes?? (yawn).. No, time to rush home to sleep!!! I probably have my "hotcakes" at home *winkz to Lindy*.. Seriouslah, my hotcakes are yummy. Not kidding hehe..

With maple syrup to go with.. how about that!!


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Do you believe in horoscope??
Is it 99% accuracy..

I believe is hard changing it, live with it???
Make sense??

So here is how the story goes... When Gemini meets Virgo..haha

So the Gemini & Virgo.. They live happily ever after??

Sorry it happens in fairy tales. Reality.. Adapt to it!! Hmm am I really that fussy??

Quarrelsome + argumentative =

Totally Irresistible

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A priCe To Pay For Being VocaL?

Words can kill?? Honestly, I don't believe in you choose to read OR see the exit door..I used to have these disclaimers, but I find it rather stupid. You have an online diary and its open to viewers, u crave for the attention, but you dare not admit to it, then you tell these readers not to come to your blog.. sounds weird right??

We are adults, we are accountable for our words. How many of us actually admit to be responsible for what is written?? Frankly blogs are open to public views. Assumptions can never be prevented. If someone were to read my blog and assumed I am talking about the him/her and choose to analyse the entry, there is nothing much I can do right?? Anyway if you think it reads you & decides on being defensive & making it as a topic for your next entry, I can't stop you, infact I am so flattered, like I say I inspire others haha..

One more thing, I hardly reply to people's entry making it my subject the next day, mine is a one way traffic here, I speak my mind & you read. I am open to views (if you realise I have enable the moderated comments selection) For those who have tagged me and I have not publicise your comments then its just too bad. I don't get defensive, I don't touch personal lifes & I don't harbour ill intentions. Most of the time I just make a joke out of it.


Creating enemies, has never been an intention.. Talk is cheap.
Blogging is even cheaper.

"Create your own blog now its FREE."


Monday, June 19, 2006

New Found Pet...

we trade in the 17 fishes for an ariwana instead..

Ok I shall name the fish Adriano Ariwana, new home for you..

Adriano comes with a cert as well..

Adriano the Ariwana..

Adding to your collections..

Someone asked me to buy her a keychain.. So this one is for you..

ps: to my reader from Paris, its nice to have you onboard, I hope you do enjoy reading my blog.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The ReaL you..

Unique Is Good..
To Be YourselF??
Is iT diFFicult??
How can someone live in a life full
of feign acts??
It contradicts!!
When insecurities sits in
The ego takes over..
When seeking is a subject..
It becomes sympathy..
If nothing is lacking..
To outshine is the best policy??
Is that yourself??
Is it really you??
It's that what you want to be??

"When I was just a little girl I asked my mother, what will I be Will I be pretty, will I be rich. Here's what she said to me. Que Sera, Sera,Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours, to see Que Sera, Sera What will be, will be."

BE YOURSELF.. Its a hell of a drama world out there. Full of actresses. I won't call it fake, its artistic. It requires a lot of imagination!!! WoW..

Anyway, *winks to Ida, welcome back.."

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I grabbed my keys and rushed to my room..

After my shower, I ran off for my two hours of massage.. shiok!!

Very the shiok..

I heard someone send me a wink??

Missing me??

You're Back!!


Friday, June 16, 2006

Just A small gathering...

A.L & me came in a bit late,
but we were both welcomed by a surprise..
The "kallang wave"..
YOU GUYS are so funny..
I cannot take it!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Guess who viewed my profile..

Someone visited the "insignificant' recently,

So I clicked on to view on that person..


its been ages since I send a smile to someone..

Maybe I should??

hmm tak nak lah nanti orang cakap I fake..

Senyum kat sini jer lah..

Monday, June 12, 2006

Look Who's Talking..

"Did you ever realise whatever you blog actually reflects back on yourself. Some tries very hard to create a significant identity for others to recognise them. When you see things from your point of view, do you judge the very minute you come to know about it, even when you do not know them personally. Reality check, we are human, tendency to do so, very likely, even when it doesn't concern you. Are you proud of it, or are you just a sucker.. So which one are you??

Trying to be the "Prominent" figure, there are many ways you can actually do that. To be in the limelight, or are just trying hard to fit in?? What were you thinking. Don't get too judgemental, on your part you have done a great job to fit in.

So which is more fake?? I am not here to be the judge, not even you. You tried too hard to prove your sincerity. What can I say, I admire your ability but remember we are not always right all the time..

Not even me.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

SaLsa Party..
DowN At Fifth Avenue..

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Sex & The City..
Partyin @ Pacha In NYC..

Friday, June 09, 2006

A little Update..
Summer In New York..

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What goes in my cargo bag..

I was packing my stuff just awhile ago, I will be flying to the same route again this time. Boring?? Definitely not! I normally bring a book, just in case I get bored in my room. I found this old book while I was cleaning my stuffs. Interesting book, its an old book actually, it tells you a story about a girl who was molested by her own uncle.. & when she tells her family about it. NO ONE actually believed her.. So she ran away to strike on her own.. Incest.. So disgusted right?? Fancy an uncle doing that, it can really spoils a girl's future. I am so disgusted, aren't you..

SLEEPING with your own uncle?? Disgusting..

I shall read on...

On second thoughts, maybe I will bring my DVD along too.. & watch all the P.Ramlee's old movies..hmm . Oh well, either one, I probably be munching on my crunchy popcorn & having a sip of my cola light.. & enjoying the drama..

And yes!!!

Finally I am back to work again.. Yeahness..

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Talk Of the day..

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" I spoke to a friend today, we say, we thought this happens to us flying people, I didn't know it happens to ''night shifts people'' as well..well what can we say"
Jet Lag??

Back in Singapore, for both of us.
Time to support the Singapore league again..
Should we get a new pet??
We thought of getting a chihuahua..Hmm
still thinking about it..

Monday, June 05, 2006

Everybody Loves Lucy..

His Happiest Birthday Ever..

Look at his face,

he is so happy upon receiving his birthday present from Ayat,

he said..

"dear take the camera.. quick"

His birthday treat for himself..

Check out the headset..

And his gift for me...

Best part, I get to keep my O2 hehe..

Now I got two phones..


*Winkz To Sheila*

Sunday, June 04, 2006

So who came to pick A.L at the airport today??

Dyrah Umairah...

CaRe To CommenT..

"EvEry SenSe In The World.."

Saturday, June 03, 2006

ThE PinK WeddinG ..

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Azrieda looks gorgeous, congratulations to both of them. Well done Azmi, you did it right the first time round. You manage to pronounce her name without laughing..*LOL*

Ready to sign?? Of cos she is more than ready.. look at the glow on her face..

Yang ni too excited to see his WIFE..*LoL*

When world peace & world peace meet.. the whole world makes peace.. even the newly weds..

It's not the gifts that matters, the greatest gift would be to spend the rest of your life with someone you really love. From what I see,

"LoVe Sparkles between the two of them.."

We never fail to catch the "limelight"...

Check out my junior crew..*LOL*.. always an icon..

I heard somebody is in LoVe~ so who's next??