Wardrobe Dilemma..

Do you have this problem??
WArdrobe Dilemma??
I do...
I normally messed up my clothes,
Trying to figure out what to wear..
I normally iron a particular top but
ended up wearing a different one
before I step out of the house...
The problem is, the whole wardrobe, got
Same for bags as well..
Is either, I have too much clothes
OR I need to shop for more..
Friends who came over,
would probably realised..
Who's Side is the ORGANISED one..
A.L of course..
Its all colour co-ordinated.. I can't stand it..
He has a particular way, how he wants his clothes to be folded...
My excuse to A.L
"I am always packing & unpacking most of the time..That's why..Its MESSY"
It's that suppose to be an excuse??
I tried arranging according to colours..It doesn't work!!
Probably its just messy me..*LOL*
I am not that bad actually..
I know of a friend, who sleeps with her washed clothes
on her bed..
She says
"Shiok, it smells good"
Unbelievable right..
Women and their wardrobe..
Lack of space, too many CLOTHES..
I did discard clothes which were 7 seasons ago..
I don't have much HUGE, bulky, winter clothes..
but I am always short of space..
Complain, complain complain..
Read the fine lines: These days nak blog pun susah, must use the right choice of words, salah sikit nanti orang mengamok.. Tuduh and threat threat.. macam budak2..nanti Alice kene victimised again.. kan kan kan..cian Alice..
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