A lazy update.. too many pictures too little time..
Of cos everytime before he leaves I have to be reminded.. So naggy!!!
"Zanna fav boy.."
Dearest Meiling went to the Anugerah concert...
Seems like lots of fun!!!! I am sure..
"Meiling in the worldkan, I kapo this picture from your blog..haha"
"What is with the bad boy look.." Meiling said
But still my favourite "Bad Boy"
None other than my irritating A.L
OOO..I loike..
Working too hard these days.. I need a break, patience and I will be on leave soon. I am suppose to meet up with sexy Farhana for our "retail therapy" session but both of us couldn't make it. She was too tired with work and I could not force myself out of bed.
Miss Farhana I am sure you are very happy with your new pink stuff right hehe. I bet you really like it a lot to spend that kind of money..haha
I need a break from work, been working hard, earning more maybe?? but I have not spend a single cent..Sad isn't it.. My batch girl said this to me.."Why trying to hit your first million dollar issit.." Yah a million in rupiah haha..
Sad thing my A.L has a tight schedule to take me away..My options hibernate in JB, join Miss Farhana to K.L or pack and fly to Jakarta..
I need a breather..I am suffocated..
My answer to all the queries, I have got no freaking idea with regards to it. Definitely saddened by the fact on how jugdemental the surroundings can be. I will just resign to the fact on how cruel life can be at times.. My greatest sympathy, I pray life will be much better for you. I feel for you.
According to a close friend, happiness is one key I should hold on right now. She says there are bound to be jugdgement from others.
I believe happiness is not easy to attain, life is not perfect. I am not perfect.
Listening to:
You could buy me diamonds,
you could buy me pearls
Take me on a cruise around the world
Baby you know I'm worth it
Dinner lit by candles,
run my bubble bath
Make love tenderly to last and last
Baby you know I'm worth it