Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Without blessings is "lagi" pointless..
Don't you think??
Well went over to mom's place, cos she cooked both of our favourite dishes. Thank you mum, but I told my dearest A.L that I missed his dad chicken wings. I remembered how he used to feed me with all the "fattening" food during our stay there while waiting for our house to be fully renovated. Close to four months there & I became so montel *winkz*.
Life without family is meaningless, yes I agree, and it do not require "broadcasting" as well right?? *winkz*
I met her, sat down & listen. She asked me for my advise, probably she asked the wrong person. I told her, "happiness don't come easy, you have to make believe it exist. At the end of the day he chooses you, its you and its still you he is with. Just believe in him. You always say that I am always seen very happy and he makes me real happy."
"Its true my dear, I make believe it to be this way, no life is perfect, not mine or yours, but cherishing the beautiful moment is more important"
at the most if it happens, you have a reason to go out with me for a drink right??
I am glad I made you smile..
Despite my early morning flight later,
you are worth my attention..
"A friend in need is a friend indeed right??"
What are friends for.. Good night sweetie.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
You need an identity before you reform into something. A little concentration on reforming your own identity would be excellent before an identity is created for you. I believe Icons signify the great inner strength of someone, its not just a standing for resembling. I leave it to your intelligence to weigh the consequences. Are you prepared?? Or shall I say, I leave it to your intelligence to understand my statement.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I even got some for my girlfriend ... chocolatolicious..
Want some??
Don't be shy, just tap me on my shoulder, I will get some for you..
In Life We should always be giving..
& when we take things, take it with a positive mind..
Do you need to prove a point?? & when you try too hard..
makes you seem defensive & low in self-esteem..
Maybe sweet treats will be a perfect antidote..For some individuals
oops someone exceeded her calories intake... me??
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Never tasted better?? Both of us are not fussy about food.. Especially eating by the roadside. I have a friend, poor girl, her stomach gets upset when she eats "roadside food". "Ish asyik nak makan pat high class jer, sihat pulak tu.."
We always joke about this with her.. "Gerl, perot kau sensitive, semua tak boleh, kotor sikit tak boleh, tapi takpa kau masih MONTEL, cute lah.. eh rumah you pakai beras apa huh, boleh recommend??"*winkz*
Hehe, jahatlah.. you tak popular lah, you cuma "clown" jer..still cute
You still don't get it?? *winkz*
Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.
You may have courage, what about judgement??
Individuals have different opinions pertaining to issues. Mine & yours may be different. That is the reason why we are special in our own way. Why get so affected, trying hard to jump into defensive mode?? Judging individuals from their writings??
Non-fiction or fiction is not for you to categorize. I am the author you are the reader, so continue reading, I would say..
Who knows it may be inspirational for you..
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
" We women, tend to say the wrong things to create rapport with another party. I suggest let's keep silence if you have got nothing good to say..I believe its the speculation that hurts not the creation.. Don't speculate, do you take it to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence?? I leave for my audience to decide.."
Azrieda says "NO MAN WILL SEEK BEAUTY IN DIRT??" I ponder upon the statement. Cruelty of words kills you slowly. Have you asked yourself, why you are different? I am sure you did. Hungry for attention? I am sure you are. The way attention gets to someone varies. I shall not define it elaborately.
First impression last, last impression lingers. People tend to stereotype from the first outlook. Do you allow oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment be a better jugde?? I guess its human nature.
Prominent features & prominent built, becomes an issue. Thank god, people do not make way for me when I pass through. Space constraint?? I bet you have this problem. Ever wonder, why people glare at you?? Take it positively. Your attention gets to them, but in a different manner. You mean you didn't know..*I am tickled* "
"Flower_pom_pi_pi bitched at -1 degrees celcius..."
Its -1 degrees Celsius.. Simply cold.. I am loving every inch of Paris..
Its too cold to "bare" myself here.. Bye summer clothing for me..
Looks like "someone" feeling "summer" must be HOT right?? Cold water??
Summer whole year through out?? would love to hear "winter blogging from you"
SUMMER IS GOOD FOR YOU TO BURN C******* ...*chuckles*
Why don't you fly to Europe its cooler here, its just 12 hours away..please travel PREMIUM class..more prestige for you hehe..*winkz*
"flower_pom_pi_pi feeling cold..In Paris.."
( remembering my previous blog entry?? I am touched, my blog title "so prominent lah" thanks avid readers for your support...)